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SyRoc CBM does not offer direct nutrition counseling services. Instead, we partner with a team of certified practitioners and certified personal trainers (CPTs).


Dr. Daniel Rocha DN, a Naprapathic Doctor and Naturopathic practitioner with nearly 30 years of experience embodies the philosophy that "let food be thy medicine."

He advocates for a holistic approach to nutrition and wellness, with the added benefit of enhancing one’s appearance. Dr. Rocha works with clients on an individual basis, aiming to deepen their understanding of healthy food choices and eating habits.

Whether your fitness goals involve weight loss, muscle toning, improving speed and agility, or simply feeling more confident in yourself, Dr. Rocha is committed to helping you push your limits and achieve, and even surpass your objectives.

For more information or to connect with Dr. Rocha, please visit the SyRoc CBM website on the OUR TEAM page.

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