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Working with an Online Coach Part 1


Updated: Jan 4


By Dr. Daniel Rocha DN LMT CPT CNS


You’ve looked into several options and chosen to go with an online coach.  You heard about them through word of mouth from a friend, an internet search, or read about them on Facebook or other social media platforms.


You reap all the same benefits as working with your coach in person, but electing the online option allows you to achieve the same results at a much lower cost. Several online packages are available to fit every need, goal, and budget. I offer customized meal and nutrition plans, cardio programs, and online fitness coaching, all tailored to maximize your results in less time and for a lower cost.  

Another benefit of online coaching is the ease of making your schedule at your convenience using the plan I created for you.  You don’t have to wait to meet with me as questions arise, voice concerns, or make changes to your existing plan. The beauty of receiving online coaching is that I will be available to you via phone, email, or, in my case, a workable app, which makes it exceptionally convenient for you, especially if you have an already packed schedule.  Most work a much more comprehensive range of hours due to the convenience of the internet and are ready and more than willing to make changes to your plan or, answer questions or address concerns you might have quickly.

BUT…WHO WILL SHOW ME HOW TO DO THE EXERCISES? This is one of the most common concerns for anyone interested in working with a fitness coach, whether in person or online.  The good news is that I have several options available to ease this concern.  It's as easy as logging onto my Facebook page, my YouTube channel, or even my IG profile, but now we have videos posted via the SyRoc app. All these locations offer information on fitness and workout routines, tips on diet, nutrition, and supplementation, and much more.  This information is provided and available to the client anytime, 24 hours a day. If there are any questions, reply to this email, send a Dm, or comment below if you see this post.

SyRoc CBM Gym has two Online coaches to choose from, Dr. Daniel Rocha DN, Jeremy Romero, and Christina S. Powers. Let us know if we can answer any questions and have you be part of the SyRoc Family.

Next time ... how will my progress be tracked?




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